The Popmenu team

☎️ A.I. Answering Custom Responses Enhanced Functionality for Multi-Locations ☎️

AUTHOR: The Popmenu team

Today, we bring you: an updated custom response topic list design and added functionality to support our multi-location clients with configuring their custom responses. 

New Topic List Design 

  • The topic list screen, which is seen after you’ve selected a category from the main custom response grid now includes both the custom response message and the custom action (when applicable). You will be able to quickly scan through your list of topic custom responses and see whether the custom responses have one of the following actions configured: send a text message, send to voicemail, send to fallback number, or no additional action 

Multi-Location Custom Response Copy Functionality  

  • Restaurants who have more than one location with A.I. Answering will now see a blue “Copy Responses” link at the top of the Custom Responses by Category section in Settings. You with be able to copy an entire custom response configuration from one location to another, OR copy the custom response configuration for all topics within one category from one location to another 

  • Topic list card will now include a ‘verify URL’ notification when a user has copied a custom response that includes a ‘send a text message' action. This is intended as a precaution to ensure users don’t inadvertently copy a location-specific URL.   


  • You can only copy a custom response configuration from one location to another at a time. They cannot copy from one location to multiple locations at the same time. 

  • You can either copy ALL custom responses OR all custom responses within a particular Category. They cannot copy individual custom response topics within a particular category to other locations. 

  • It is not possible to reverse the action once the copy function has been completed. 


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