The Popmenu team

📝 Build and manage forms easier than ever before 📝

AUTHOR: The Popmenu team

Advanced Forms enhancements are here! Our improved experience makes it easier than ever to build forms and manage responses.

Within Marketing > Forms: 

  • We’ve added a list view of active forms, which includes the key info you need on a form  

  • Form responses now have an automated status assigned (new, read, note left and resolved) 

  • A new form response detail view allows you to annotate and resolve a form response making it easier for multiple team members to stay aligned. 

  • Form responses can now be exported for all form types based on form and/or time frame 

  • A new form notifications tab aggregates which users are subscribed to receive notifications from the various creation points across My.Pop 

 Within Web Builder: 

  • You'll now find a singular "forms" section type that gives you the full library of form questions and field types. 

Questions? Check out our support center to learn more about these new Advanced Forms enhancements.

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